Training Courses at ITEC

Courses available for enrollment are listed below. Descriptions and possible prerequisite course needs are listed for each class. All of our courses do require that you register in advance. ITEC is also able to create custom built curriculum’s created with the unique needs of your company and technicians at the top of mind.

If you are a private HVAC business or technical school interested in registering a large group of students, we encourage you to call us in advance. Our ITEC Program Coordinator will make sure we have all of the available seats for your technicians. Plus, we can assist you with a group registration and save you time!

If you have any questions about the courses, our instructors, or group rates, please contact

Aubrey Marrero, Program Coordinator,[email protected]

All NYSERDA courses for New York State residents only.

EPA 608 mandatory Heat Pump Installation